With a car, when one thing goes wrong, you can be reasonably certain that you’ll find another two problems with it.
That was what happened to us on Saturday.
I was abruptly woken while still in a state of being really hung over as a result of the previous nights shananigans by a call from my mother. She asked us to drop her to a wedding in an hour.
Of course, although my body was screaming insults at me… or maybe that was Emma screaming the insults, I’m not too sure still, I had to say yes. You just cant say no to your mother. It never works. The words just won’t come out.
Anyway, on the way to my parents house we noticed a strange noise from the back of the car. It was like we’d forgot to put the dog in the boot and he was franticly chacing after us. OH that’s a horrible thing to say isn’t it?
Well, we started to drive on the M1 to Dundalk but the car was very sluggish. It was really difficult to get it above 70KPH.
It felt like the car was very jumpy. From having that kind of problem before we deduced that it was a missfire so we asked a friend to look at it.
Sure enough, the spark plugs were in need of a change however there was oil all over them. With some more digging, we found that the main intake for fuel to the engine was fractured and it was leaking a lot of petrol thus causing the sparkplugs to misfire. This particular tube comes attached to other parts so the part that needs to be replaced is quite substantial.
Thanks to the work of our friend we got back on the road again. However, only temporarily. To add salt to the woond, he also noticed that there was a small leak in the center box for the exhaust causing water to leak out.
It’s not all doom and gloom though.
The car came with a full warranty!
On Tuesday morning we left it back to the reseller and we hope to hear back from him later today or tomorrow.
Believe me, if everything is not fixed to a very high standard, there will be trouble ahead.
But I’m hopeful.