I’m really enjoying playing music at the moment. Last nigt I invited three musicians over to the house to play around to see what sound we could come up with. The result has potential.
Have a listen to these.
The first is A few jigs. I had only met Nial, the fiddle player five minutes before recording this… It still turned out well. I especially like the change over from the Kesh to Tatter Jack walsh. the second and third tunes. Although, the change into the Kesh from the first jig who’s name escapes me is quite nice as well.
The second song we recorded was from a singer called Julie Fowlis. Here, Trudy sings accompanied by Andrew on the guitar, Nial on the Fiddle… twice because he does some cool things that make him self sound like a small band all on his own and my self on the whistle and Bodhran. The result doesn’t sound too bad at all. Considering we had never played together before it could sound really polished after some practise.
What do you think?
I play bagpipe so I’m a bit partial to this sort of music you record. If I’m ever in Ireland we should get together and see what we could come up with. Nice work for so little practice. I’d send you a recording of my sucky playing but it turns out that most microphones have a hard time doing a decent job of bagpipe recordings. Nice to see also that there’s another blind person besides me that plays an interesting instrument or two. Also, if you’ve got flash and can hack your way through th bbc archives check out the medley that Simon Fraser University played to win the world pipe band championships a few days ago. Pretty amazing stuff. I learned from some of the people playing there. You can start at http://www.bbc.co.uk/worlds
Hi Darragh, I was looking for Bodhran lessons online and found your website. I am from outside Newry but would travel to drogheda no problem. I work till 5 Monday to Friday so anytime after that. I am a complete beginner. At 33 I hope I’m not too old to pick it up. Could you help me or recommen someone thanks