I need to say sorry to those who have been trying to contact me lately or to those of you who are waiting for me to do something…
Time has been escaping me lately.
Firstly, I started on the Vics website for the Visually Impaired Computer Society of Ireland. That was quite a difficult project and infact I have still a few things left to do on it.
Then, I moved on to the Listen and Learn recordings website. That didn’t take me as long and it’s better now than it ever was so I’m happy to continue building it again.
Then I moved onto this website. That took some more time. I moved all my sites over to an entirely new server that I had to configure my self from the foundation up. That was a lot of fun but it’s still a work in progress as inbound and outbound mail isn’t working properly.
The DigitalDarragh website is behaving quite well though all things considering.
After that I had to port the StuartLawler website over to the new server followed by Emma’s site.
It’s all been go go go!
Now, in work I’ve been focused on a particularly long and difficult project so for the next while that’s going to take up all my time.
At home, I’ve been doing loads of stuff. Finally after a year and a half I’ve unpacked my CD’s and aside from the last two hundred I have them all sorted. I have hundreds and hundreds of CD’s. From computer related to music I have a huge collection.
So, if your waiting on me to do something, keep hounding me. Otherwise, it will be pushed to the back of the queue.