For the past while, this site hasn’t been working properly.
Comments were being rejected by the anti-spam system. I hope that’s working now. I must test again from a different computer shortly. People who were registered could post comments but ha, you couldn’t register because guess what? The antispam system was blocking that too! You couldn’t send feedback to me via the post box / comment form either because of that stupid antispam system. Hay, at least I’m not getting dozens of senseless comments a day trying to sell me viagra, watches, health ensurance and tips for “satisfying my woman”.
The other problem was that Email hasn’t really worked on my server since I set the thing up about a month ago. This has been driving me crazy. mail administration is something I really need to learn a lot more about but last night I finally got it working to a certain degree. Before yesterday, even if the anti-spam system wasn’t blocking everything mail still wouldn’t get to me as it was getting stuck in a black whole somewhere on the server.
Because I took a few hours to really stick my head in the computer last night I got it working. Now, you can post comments, send me Email and even create an account on the system.
For those of you who have already created accounts, I’ll get the site to resend an email to you with your details.
Hopefully we’ll get back to normal soon.
this is no longer blocking people. Isn’t it great?