So, why write such personal and depressing posts such as The Low point and Live and learn?
I wanted to make the point. even though I doubt it needs to be made, that if you don’t live through the crap and really hit a low then you cant appreciate enough when things are going well.
I wouldn’t swap one moment of my time in that city refered to in the low point post with her for anything in the world. It was posatively a fantastic time until I blew it all to hell.
Equally, although my memories of that time in Dundalk aren’t as posative, I learned too much about my self to ever want to take it away. Yeah, I was trampled on, taken advantage of and all that kind of stuff but moving away was the kick in the right direction I needed to really take responsibility for things.
It’s been fun hasn’t it?
Now, what to write about next!
Hi Darragh,
It’s Nicky’s friend from Aus, and I’ve just finished reading through this post, and the 2 you linked above. It took a lot to post out there for the public to read, and I like your continued optomism. Some people can be beyond harsh, and downright cruel, but it’s the getting up and going on after their melodrama with a smile, and a bright outlook for the future that counts.
Take care,
P.S. listened to some of the music, too, and love it, thanks for sharing.