Boxing is never something I have really taken an interest in but it just happened to be on while I was over at another’s house last night.
Tyson Fury faught some other fella who’s name escapes me at the moment. What was funny was Fury was a tower of a man in comparason. Both were heavy weights but Fury was almost a foot taller than the other man. How it was fair I won’t understand. There must not be a heavier weight that he could participate in. Anyway, it was quite funny. the commentator explained at the start of the match that Fury was only into his ninth professional match and hadn’t been beeten yet. You have to think to your self, if all his aponents are that different in height and weight, it’s really not surprising is it? It’s hardly a fair match!
Even still, although Tyson Fury is known for generally winning on average on round two or three he lasted right to round six last night. If memory serves.
The commentators complained that Fury was using a clawing action with his right hand and he wasn’t going to get very far with that kind of bad habbet. Although at the start they thought he was a sure bet, they spent most of the match putting him down. In fairness, it did seem like he was having way more problems than he should have had fighting such a smaller and lighter aponent. Of course, the size and weight isn’t everything but it’s a good help!
At the end of the match Fury explained that he dammaged his right hand early on and couldn’t hit as hard with it therefore limiting what seems to be his trade mark right hook. But, he changed to south paw, i.e, seemingly using his left hand as the dominent and still managed to win all be it with a margin of three points.
I was surprised at how entertaining it all was.
Oh, then Bernard Dunne, after all his big talk over the week about how he was going to win this match in the memory of Darren Sutherland, a boxer who died last week, lost on round three. The aponent he had was much much better than Bernard and it seemed obvious from very early on. I hear that that first left hook dropped Bernard like a tun of bricks!
So, Dunne’s lost his title. I definitly feel sorry for him. but, I think basing a marketing campaign on the tragic death of someone is kind of unscrupulous so he kind of deserved it.