I need to return some of my focus to www.LALRecordings.com for a while. Because I’ve been busy on other projects it had unfortunately taken a bit of a back seat.
No longer though!
I’m happy to announce that with the aim of increasing the level of community interaction on the site, I have created a support mailing list.
I have to admit. I do not always have time to answer the dozens of mail I get every week. SO much so that the legitimit messages sometimes get missed.
The idea of this new support mailing list is that when it gets going, users will help other users. When that’s not possible, then contributors to Listen and Learn Recordings will chip in and lend a hand.
The support list will also be used to notify members of new recordings and keep people updated with list news.
It is one of a number of iniciatives that I will be launching in the coming days and weeks to promote a community on www.lalrecordings.com
If of course you would like to suggest a feature for LALRecordings that you think would help other users then please let me know.
Some of the features I’m thinking of include a site blog, a members only forum, a comment facility for each recording and a notify only mailing list.