I was very privlidged earlier to speak to Christopher Toth via Skype. He earlier agreed to record an interview for Listen and Learn Recordings to tell people about him self. He also speaks about his programming influences, the history of Qwitter and what people may be able to expect in future versions of the application.
Qwitter is a really accessible and very unobtrusive Twitter client that although is aimed for the moment at visually impaired users, is in my opinion a tool that would be of benefit to most users.
Listen to the interview at http://www.lalrecordings.com/node/32
Hi Darrah,
I am very interested in the Irish language. Could you do a podcast on how it is pronounced and some verb conjugations and vocabulary? Also could you help Jonathan Duddington add the Irish langguage to ESpeak. My ancestry is half Irish half german. I took german classes, now I want to learn some Irish in my spare time in between my wife, son, and other activities. My wife is Irish German Finnish and Slovak and english.
Josh Kennedy