There’s nothing particularly special about this, it’s part of his job but still, I wanted to write it up here because if it wasn’t for him, I’d not be writing anything today.
We were simply walking around the corner to a meeting in another building. On the road that connects both offices, there are three car park entrences. We’re aware of these so Freddie always pauses for a split second before continuing past. We’ve never actually met anything coming out or going in but he is trained to stop at kerbs and it’s something I like him to be aware of.
Today was no different. We passed the first and the second entrence without issue and had stepped off the path for the third. Half way across though, a car started to my left.
I thought nothing of it though and kept walking. Cars regularly park there as although it’s not a legitimit space, it’s handy.
Before I could think any more about it though he must have begun reversing. I didn’t notice so kept walking. Before I knew it, I was pushed back by Freddie swinging across to my right. When he swings around like that, he lands across my body blocking my legs from moving any more. If he does it fast enough, he can push me back. It’s not really something he’s been trained to do, it’s just a reaction when he knows I shouldn’t move any further. I’m sure other guide dogs do something very similar.
When I got back to the kerb I started from, I heard the car reverse into the car park.
the stupid fool driving it obviously didn’t bother looking where he was going.
I’m sure it wouldn’t have been a big deel, he couldn’t have been moving very fast but I’d say he would have hit both me and the dog if I wasn’t pushed out of the way.