I’m completely unconscious. Sleep has a tight grip of me and I’m content to let it stay that way. I’m wrapped up in the bed sheets and only the very top of my head pokes out.
It’s comfortable!
The relaxing, quiet and peaceful room is suddenly plunged into the realm of reality as a deafening tool of Satan, feared by many, hated by all pierces the silence with its incessant repetitive beeping.
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep!
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep!
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep!
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep!
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep!
It pauses again. Before the next round can start, a well trained arm is flung from the warm and secure confines of the bed in the direction of the sound. With only habit and the longing for this torture to stop, it lashes out and aimlessly strikes with hope that the noise will stop.
Relief washes over me with the realization that the deed is done for another day. The horrid tool of Satan has been stopped and piece returns to the room.
As consciousness begins to rear its ugly head I fight it. With every ounce of strength I can muster, I fight it. Still it comes. It begins to win ground when I realise my arm is hanging limply out of the bed. Its pre-programmed instinct to stop the noise that disturbed the piece did not extend to putting it back under the sheets again and it begins to get cold.
As I become more aware, my brain has an internal argument with it’s self.
Brain: Waky waky! Come on. It’s time to get up!
Me: Is it that time already?
Brain: Yes. You’re going to have to get up now.
Me: Ah no. You must be wrong.
Brain: No, arm got rid of the noise a second ago.
Me: Did it? I didn’t hear it.
Brain: Yes. You have to get up! It’s time!
Me: Ah no. I can wait a few minutes.
Brain: Fine! But you won’t be able to check Twitter or Email.
Me: Ah, that’s fine. I’m not bothered anyway.
Brain: Get! Up! You have to go!
Me: AAAAH! You’re wrong! It’s not time yet. It couldn’t be! I just went to bed a minute ago!
Brain: No. It’s been ages.
Me: Actually, today is actually Sunday isn’t it? There are no busses to catch today. I’ll be fine!
Brain: No, today is Wednesday. Yesterday was Tuesday. Remember?
Me: Ah crap. Your right. Crap. And my arm is really getting cold now.So starts my days from Monday to Friday…. And a few Saturdays too. I try to convince my self that I don’t have to get up. I try everything! From telling my self that I have no work today to telling my self that the alarm didn’t actually go off.
I was told to write about this because last Saturday, I was meant to be in Dublin by 10AM. But, I successfully talked my self out of getting up. In my defence, I was trying to get up by 8AM and I’d been out until 5AM that night at a gig.
I love it!