After five months of development, design and testing, I am delighted to announce the release of the New VICS website. Vics, the Visually Impaired Computer Society of Ireland is a group of Visually impaired computer users of about a hundred or more. Their remit if you like is to assist in delivering training to its members, organise information and technology days where resellers and manufacturers of assistive technology exhibit their products, lobby technology manufacturers and software developers to improve accessibility for users who are visually impaired, increase awareness of the ability of people with visual impairments and a lot more.
The new VICS website will serve all of these aims as well as providing an online home to Vics members. The site hosts training documentation and audio recordings, Infovics, the quarterly audio VICS magazine, the most extensive list of Links to third party resources relating to visual impairments in Ireland, the VICS blog, the twitter feed for VicsIreland, a podcast of all new audio published on the VICS website and VICS news to name just a few items.
The site conforms to accessibility guidelines published by the W3C, provides high contrast for users who find it difficult to read black text on a white background and also provides text resizing options for users who require large font sizes.
And it’s members. It’s over to them now to make use of it.