No! not me! Come on… You should know me better than that at this stage!
I’m sitting on the enterprise in first class on the way to work this morning. Believe me, there is really no better way of traveling to Dublin.
While sitting here, I notice that the cairage is almost full but yet very few people are talking. When Emma who’s sitting beside me speaks, she wispers. The entire environment screams “BE RESERVED!”
Around me, rattles can be heard from every side. What was once a very quiet and modern train seems to have fallen into some disrepair in recent years.
Still, the heat is at a perfect tempriture, the seats that recline to provide that extra bit of relaxation during the trip are still a welcome change to the upright cattle props that we normally sit in while being hurded from one stop to the other.
Even the carpeted floor on this train adds a difference.
With all this comfort and relaxation, I begin to overhear a phone conversation behind me.
The young woman who is probably in her mid twenties with a fantastic northern accent is confiding in a friend seemingly. I hear her talk about a possible love interest. They talk about a possible encounter that may be on the cards but how she is still unsure if she will follow through with it.
She exclaims that she is too afraid of being hurt again and she doesn’t know if she’s ready yet.
This conversation may as well be preached across a 10000 wat sound system to me as because everything else is so quiet, I cant help but be drawn to the one voice that can be heard.
But I am interested.
How can someone who is afraid to be hurt be so comfortable to voice her feelings on a crowded train. How can she be so open to inadvertently profess her deepist worries to a cairage full of complete strangers.
Maybe she’s just so caught up in her conversation that the rest of the world has faded into the background.
Either way, I find it strange, interesting and kind of sad that what should be a private conversation with I assume is a close friend has been broadcasted around the cairage.
Or, I could just be really bord on this train trip to Dublin.