Yes, we may get completely ripped off by the budget today and it could effectively screw the entire country for the next fifty years as we struggle to get out of this recession but what is writing about it going to do? what is worrying going to do? What is complaining from a distance going to do?
It’s going to do absolutely nothing! that’s what.
so. Yes, we are not looking forward to this budget but there’s no point worrying about it. If it’s going to happen it’s going to happen. Unless we’re willing to actually do something about it then there’s no point writing dozens of blog posts giving out.
So. Today, I’m going to stay posative, I’m going to keep an eye on the budget speech, I’m going to work as normal and then, when I get the results, I’m going to see how it effects me and plan around it to try to mitagate against any major problems that may arise as a result.
Until we find a way of doing something about this mess our selves, we’re just going to have to put up with what the government are doing. I’ll put it this way. Their doing the job and they have the advisers. We don’t. I’m not saying their making the best choices. I’m not saying their making the worst choices either. Because I don’t know.
I’ll tell you what choice isn’t the right one though. Being constantly negative.
We’re not going to get out of this by fighting every decision the government makes. Because at the end of the day. although I personally have no trust in FF, I don’t see any other party being any better. So, either get behind them and try to help this country better or find a way of doing it your self. Writing negatively and telling stories of how we’re all doomed because of the stupidity and incompatence of the government is doing one thing and one thing only. It’s playing straight into the oppositions hands. And, do you really think FG or labour will do any better? Come on. Think about it. Look at both parties. Do you think they’ll do better? what about SF. Do you think they’ll do better either?
Do you think you’d do better?
Lets face it. decisions were made baddly but in 1990, I remember traveling on a bus and a builder telling me the boom wasn’t going to last. I remember people saying how it couldn’t last for seventeen years. I remember small businesses saying that the more multi-national businesses that came in the less compeditive the market was and the less viable it was for them to stay in. I remember the home grown companies saying that the multi-national companies weren’t going to look after the Irish interest. Everyone remembers this. Every single one of us had the oppertunity to do something about this. Either by supporting local produce and manufacturors or by lobbying public representatives, councilers and TD’s when decisions were made that would, in the long term lead to the situation we find our selves in now. But no one did it. We were all happy to go along with it when things were good. Yes. the government could have done something but we were happy to go along with their decisions. especially when those decisions resulted in lower tax and VAT.
Answer me this. Why was it so easy for English to get such a firm grasp during the plantations.
Do you know?
It was because the Irish have always been a divided people.
It takes a lot to make us come together.
When we finally did come together, the routes of the plantation had already taken hold.
It’s the same now.
Instead of coming together and fighting the common cause of beating this recession we instead fight the government instead of helping.
How do we help? I don’t know. Maybe start by sending suggestions, complaints, problems, comments or simple updates to your public representatives in the Oireachtas. If your not sure how to contact your local TD, look his or her contact details up on the Oireachtas website. It’s all there.
That’s the least we can do.
So, stop complaining because without doing something and contributing to the resolution of the problem you are part of it.
negativity seeds negativity and it’s negativity that has this country where it is today. Not bad government decisions.
So true… It rules this country.