Usually, I’m quite a posative person. Today however, I am not.
So, just put up with it!
Firstly… I was out on Saturday. Problem was that I had just far too much on my mind for me ever to enjoy my self so the night was doomed right from the start.
To add sault to the woond, the group that I went to see was suggested to me by a lot of people but I found them utterly boring. Their called Electric avenue. Their a cover band so I didn’t really expect anything origional from them but what I found was so dull, so dry, so void of creativity I think I lost all faitth in humanity. How people can listen to this mind numming vomit is completely beyond me. If you want to listen to music that is arranged and sang like the artist who origionally performed it fine… That’s your thing so I cant and won’t be bothered listening. But if you cant do it, don’t try! Their music attempted to mirror every artists song they sang owver, look, put it this way, Pick a famous painter. if you could paint, would you try to mirror every stroke that painter used to create a piece of art or would you take inspiration from it and then put your own indevidual touch to it. Even if you knew you could never be as good as that painter, you’d still do what you could to enhance his or her art with your own style. That’s what i would do anyway. If you don’t do that, what’s the point? In painting terms, why not just take a picture of it. In music, why not just play a CD and have done with it.
Sorry. I’m probably being overly crewel. But, as i say. I’m in a generally negative and pissed off mood so tuff.
I heard a young singer lately. She did what she thought was a simple and uncleaned version of Molly Malone. I heard a recording of it by chance. It was so full of feeling and so full of indeviduality that she made the song her own. No one else could sing the song like that because the feeling in it was based on her experiences. Her loves, hates and heart break. The timing was not exactly normal,In fact, it was choppy. But it all fitted together like the song was written to sound that way. This woman has more singing and performance ability in her little tow than this group of six musicians as a band.
I remember this. 🙂