It was said last night that I haven’t blogged in ages.
Well, it’s true. I haven’t really been bothered. I’ve had a few tuff decisions to make and a few work problems that have required a bit of serious thought to figure out what I’m going to do. But, I’m almost at the end of the tunnel now. The decision I knew I was going to have to make will be made shortly and the required action will be taken. and work? well, I’m just goin to have to put up and shut up for a while.
January and a lot of December have been dead months in terms of music. This trend can not continue. Without music, my best avenue for releasing a lot of my day to day worries is gone so things annoy me more than they would ordinarily. So, I’m attempting to rectify that.
Now, I need a coffee. This train is running late………………….. again.