I assume you know that in Windows 7, task bar items are associated with a number. so for example, internet explorer is assigned to windows key plus 1, your libarary is assigned to windows key plus 2 etc.
But, did you know that if you press windows key, shift and 1 a new instance of Internet explorer will be launched instead of just setting focus to the currently open instance?
Or, if you need to launch Internet Explorer with higher access privlidges for some reason, press windows key, control, shift and 1 and you’ll be prompted with a UAC box asking you if you are sure.
Cool isn’t it?
I like it because I use windows key and 2 a lot to jump to my libraries. But, if you already have a folder open, windows key just sets focus to that window. That’s kind of useless if you want to open two folders at the same time and you want to continue using keyboard commands to jump back to your libraries. So, like with Internet explorer, press windows key, shift and 2 and it will open a new instance of the libraries view.
I was a little surprised that a Windows key works in my Ubuntu also. Windows key + e makes it possible to change active desktop.