This blog is around 8 years old. It was a blog before the word blog was even used in every day language!
It was of course previously hosted at but since 2002 the website has been serving up blog posts of one type or another.
But, because it’s so old, and I’ve done so much with it, content has been lost over time. Content that tells of memories from years ago when life was very different.
But, there’s a way that you can see all this interesting, disturbing and mildly entertaining content. Visit*/ and look through the site. Some links obviously won’t work because although is a great site, it cant save everything. but, mostely everything important is there.
Oh, then there was this shocking and terrible attempt at web development Digytek. spelled baddly, written baddly and just ….. bad!*/
Aside from doing websites for my self, I did a few others. But, please! give me a break! I hadn’t a notion of what I was doing! the designs mark up, coding and in fact, everything about them were just horrid!*/
But, it’s all just a bit of fun isn’t it?
What’s next then…. 🙂
awww it sure has grown hasn’t it? but i’ll never forget the time when yo uhosted a bunch of people having blogs just like yours! it was in some respects, a fun and cool idea for people to meet others, but then, wow! it was an eneded up being, an utter nightmare.