Yesterday I wrote about an idea to make certain posts private. After a failed test or two, I finally have it working. If you have an account on, you will be able to read personal posts that I mark as private. If you don’t have an account, tuff. You’ll only see what isn’t personal. But, if your into the technical posts, that will probably be ok. The posts that are marked private will just be rubbish that your probably not really interested in anyway unless you know me. or your just nosy…
Today, I wrote the first private blog post. If you don’t have an account, as I said earlier, you won’t be able to read it. but, it’s Big Big News! so you should probably sign up. You’ll find the link for that under the log in form.
Hay, the site even remembers you when you come back. It cant get any better than that really can it?
Well, enjoy. Let me know if there’s anything else you would like on the site.