I hate junk mail.
The amount that I recieve seems to be increasing lately.
This morning, I was letting the dog out before starting the walk to work. He was his usual giddy happy self as he always is in the mornings. I opened the front door and he jumped out before I had a chance to get it open all the way. At the same time, I heard the letter box being pulled back.
With fright, I very loudly shouted “HAY!”.
With that, he dropped his bag or what ever it was he was carrying.
I opened the porch door and the dog raced out. Now, the dog didn’t care that he was delivering junk or even there at all. All that was probably going through his mind was, “need a pee, need a pee, going to walk, need a peee, yay! it’s morning, need a pee.” But, to the fella at the door it must have seemed that the dog was not as friendly as he actually is.
As he very quickly left the garden, I heard him mumbeling and cursing to him self.
I have to say, it gave me great pleasure to get back at them for a change. I know, their just doing a job. But I hate the rubbish they put through my door every day of the week. Not even Sundays are free of it!
Good man Darragh! Im a blind computer user, just the same as you and also from time to time recieve that shit in my door! I find it really anoying after going through the hassle of scanning it that I might as well have left it for some one else to pick up! oh my god the look on that mans face must have been absalutely priceless haw haw! Guess he won’t return as fast this time!