There’s a nightmare I have reasonably regularly. I’m not one for analysing dreams or anything like that, but this one is kind of obvious so to see what others thoughts are, I’m posting it here.
My question is: If someone is in your house and your there as well, would you (A) tackle the intruder and defend your property or (B) leave and just let the person take what they want.
My answer seems to be (A). If your in my house, I don’t care if I’m out matched, I’ll do what ever I can to get you out.
So, let me give you some backround. About five years ago, I lived in a horrible apartment at the back of a housing estate in Raheny in Dublin. The area it’s self was very nice but I was in a secluded part of it and security wasn’t great. I never really worried about it at the time though.
Years later however, I have a repeating nightmare about returning to the place to find the door unlocked.
Two things happen after this. The first is I look around and nothing is strange and the dream finishes with me assuming that I must have just walked out without closing it.
The alternative ending though is that I walk in and find the place completely trashed with a lot of things missing. I call the gards and then a friend or two to ask what I should do. The dream ends with me inspecting the place and seeing what is missing.
Last night, I had a different dream along the same lines.
I was finishing locking the house up for the night. I’d just teddered the dog and was locking up the living room.
For some reason, I could hear change being collected up stairs. I don’t know why I heard that. It’s not like I ever have money in the house It was a weird thing to happen. Two seconds later, I felt a breeze from the kitchen coming from the direction of the window. Three things happened next really quickly. I slammed the kitchen door quickly and locked it and pulled the key out, ran towards the bottom of the stairs and shouted loudly and with as much confedence as I could muster. At the same time, I heard someone walk down the first three steps toward me. After that, I woke up.
Weird isn’t it?
I’ve been in the situation where someone has been in the same apartment as me without me knowing. I’ve also been in the situation where I’ve walked in to find someone standing in front of me. I know what I would do with reasonable certainty so it’s weird that this keeps coming up.
So, what would you do if someone was in your house or apartment?
Disregard the law. I know what’s legal and what’s not.
I would probably just leave. TBH, because I’m so small and lack the knowledge in self defense, I think my life is more important than any posessions I might own. I would much rather just leave the house or apartment and let the intruder take what money or posessions he wanted then get severely hurt or, in the worst case, killed because I was overpowered.