These are basic tests done via Irish ISP test, pings and downloads.
- Vodafone Ireland: Connection jitter: 0.2ms.
- Imagine / Irish broadband: Connection jitter: 1ms.
- Vodafone Ireland: packet loss: 0.0%.
- Imagine / Irish broadband: Packet loss 0.0%.
- Vodafone Ireland: Connection mos score: 4.2.
- Imagine / Irish broadband: Connection score: 4.1.
- Vodafone Ireland: Download speed: 3.02mbps.
- Imagine / Irish broadband: Download speed: 3.45mbps.
- Vodafone Ireland: Upload speed: 316 kbps.
- Imagine / Irish broadband: Upload speed: 3.10mbps.
- Vodafone Ireland: Quality of service: 57%.
- Imagine / Irish broadband: Quality of service: 91%
When downloading a 96MB file from a site in the US I got the same download speeds on both connections: between 230kbps and 240kbps. Interestingly though, on Vodafone, I found the download speed started at 280kbps but on Imagine / Irish broadband, the download started at a much lower speed.
Pinging a server on the Blacknight network, I got a response of 11MS from Imagine / Irish broadband but with Vodafone Ireland the response came in at 33ms.
These tests were carried out within seconds of each other.
I’m going to contact Vodafone via Number Finder tomorrow to cancel the contract for both my home phone and broadband. Imagine, please don’t mess this up!
I’ll shortly change over to a VOIP provider, or if I’m feeling adventurous I’ll set up a server here for it.
I’m just a tad concerned about the Jitter result. it’s point 1 percentage higher on this new connection. ha. na. I’m being too cautious.
In fairness though, I’ve had such a bad nternet connection for so long, I’m afraid that I’m just subscribing to more problems.
Yeah I sorta had the same idea… I opted for the 45 euro deal from imagine.. you c
I have a home network with my own webserver, FTP server, game server, ATA boxes for voip and I run software that requires port forwards and configuration on my router…
So you can imagine how annoyed I was to find that imagine don’t give you access to the routers they install… basically THEY have full access to your network ad YOU don’t!
Also they seem to deliberately hobble certain protocols and packets…
I jacked it in after several hours on the phone to their support and after several of their support guys tried to set up some level of port mapping and forwarding… VOIP is out of the question with Imagine… and forget about anything that needs you to have control…they refuse to give it!