It’s unusual for me to blog twice in one day, but you really need to take a look at this. It’s incredible! This fella is playing the whistle while using circular breathing. I’ve never heard anything like it.
Interestingly, I felt light headed while listening to him as being a whistle player my self, I know what it’s like holding a note for too long and trying to catch up. I kept expecting him to phraze things by taking a quick breath but that breath never came! Astounding!
Seirously. Even if your not a musician or you have no interest in Irish music, your still going to appreciate this tallent.
Hmmmm. I’d love to be able to do it. Any tips?
Obviously “breathtaking”!
I got half way to this with recorder many years ago – just shopping for a whistle to finish the project.
So many thanks for the inspiration!