The below is another email that I have sent to Freedom Scientific support this morning in relation to two other bugs / problems that I have encountered with Jaws 11. This continues on from my promis last week that I will highlight every single problem that I find while using Jaws 11 as I can no longer afford to Tollerate the amount of issues I have experienced with this version of the screen reader.
It is my hope that these reports will be actioned with updates to Jaws 11. In my opinion it would be unfair and unjust to expect consumers of Jaws for Windows to pay for the resolution of these bugs in version 12 of the product so I have repeatedly asked that these problems are fixed in hot fixes to Jaws 11. I urge other users of Jaws 11 to follow this example. It is time that Freedom Scientific improve the quality of their Jaws for windows product. even if this means limiting the speed of the development of enhancements and new features.
I leave both my PC’s in work powered on every day. I’ve two machines running Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 X64.
The version of Jaws in use is that released last week.I have found that since Jaws version 11, Windows 7 X64 does not respond when the PC is left unattended and locked for a number of hours.
This problem is not found on Windows XP.
This problem is reproduceable every time and has been replicated on a number of different machines running Windows 7 X64.
Steps to problem:
Lock the machine at 5PM with Jaws still running.
Unlock the machine at 9AM.
Jaws does not respond to any commands and no speech or Braille is produced.No other applications seem to cause it as the issue has been reproduced by rebooting the PC and leaving it sitting on the desktop.
The Jaws dump files are attached to this message.
I have also attached the dump files for Skype. I have been able to reproduce a problem where if the history log is enabled on skype chat messages and over a thousand messages are received in one window, Jaws becomes sluggish and continues to become more sluggish over time until it eventually stops responding. This is completely unrelated to the issue reported above. I am aware that you do not distribute the Skype scripts but the issue may still be of interest to you.
If you require any more information to assist you in reproducing and resolving these issues please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards
Darragh Ó Héiligh
I’m having the same problem with JAWS 12 and Windows 7. When I lock my computer JAWS immediately stops functioning properly when I unlock it. Unlike your issue JAWS still speaks the title of each window when I move through them using Alt + Tab but does not respond to any JAWS commands or read any of the content of the open applications. I haven’t noticed this happening due to inactivity, only when I lock the screen. How did you eventually resolve the issue? I have resorted to disabling the window lock which isn’t ideal in work.
Thank you,