As many of you already know, I run another site called Listen and Learn Recordings LAL Recordings for short.
I have been running this site for two years.
Unfortunately, I’ve lost motivation a little. Other things come up, I get interested in something, and LAL Recordings falls by the wayside. I try to keep it updated but I suppose, without user feedback, and more people chipping in, it can be difficult.
So, coming up to it’s second year, it’s make or break time.
I assume Listen And Learn Recordings will continue but I hope it will grow more in it’s third year than ever before. It’s grown and evolved a lot in the past eighteen months since it’s humble beginnings and in fact, with the new website ten months ago, it’s become much more professional and organised. But it can do more. It can be of help to more people! But how? What do you need and want from the site. Is it a waste of time? Are there other sites on the Internet that do a better job? Are there other topics that you would like to see explained on the site? Or, of course, would you like to see another live show on LALRecordings. The choices and possibilities are endless. You tell me what you want and I will do it.
There are two polls on the Listen And Learn Recordings website. I would really appreciate it if you would take a moment to tick a box. Of course, if you have other topics or suggestions, please always feel free to Email me.
I’ve just over two months. Two months from now, I will either say, that’s enough. Lets just archive LALRecordings and let some other site take over from it. but with any luck, I’ll get some useful feed back from these questions and I’ll launch year three with some very specific plans and aims.
I’ve loved doing Listen And Learn Recordings. It’s something that I hope is of benefit to people. Lets keep that continuing.