I’ve done a few websites over the past few years. Some are coded from scratch but more recently, I’ve focused on drupal and even wordpress as they’ve catered for peoples needs.
Here are a few of the sites you can have a look at:
- Emm’as site. Actually, don’t go here. she hasn’t done anything with it. it’s a work in progress and has been for three years now.
- Nicky Kealy. He really needs to blog more. but his website is a nice clean wordpress blog and information source.
- The Visually Impaired Computer Society of Ireland. That site took ages to create.
- Mushroom FM. The station that currently hosts Mad For Trad.
- The legend online radio station.
I’ve also done work such as adding the podcast feature to the website for Stuart Lawler and I’ve written a CMS to make it easier for the folks over at National Vibration Monitoring.
That’s not an exaustive list, but it’s a few to get started.