Yesterday morning, the alarm went off at 6AM as usual.
I sprung out of bed, lept down the stairs with thought’s of grabbing a nice coffee, having a decent shower and making the early train to work. I was going to have a nice relaxed morning while also getting into work early and catching up on a few things. The day was going to go well.
I got to the kitchen, grabbbed a cup and spoon, put the coffee in, boiled the kettle but then things took a turn for the worst.
I stood there, with both hands on the counter listening to the kettle come to the boil.
The click notified me that it was ready but my brain just couldn’t wake up enough to initialize it’s self and remember that Water must now go in the cup.
It was the weirdist feeling ever.
I spent what seemed like ages, just standing there trying to remember how to make a coffee.
Sleep deprevation really doesn’t do me any good.
I’m glad I’m finishing this back log of work. It’s starting to effect my…….. What was I writing about again?