I keep forgetting that I don’t need to be careful while pushing my chair back. He’s not behind it any more.
I keep forgetting that when I get up in the morning he’s not in the living room egar to get going.
I keep forgetting that when I’m leaving work, I’ve to give my self that little bit of extra time because he’s not around to zip in and out of crowds.
I keep forgetting.
It’s stupid.
When will this part end?
Coming up on two months now. seven weeks 3 days to be exact.
I hear that he’s doing great. The people who have him keep telling me when they notice a personality trate that is really strange and new to them, but that is one that I’m a little lost without. I kind of wish that they’d stop talking about him.
Having a guide dog is great. Sending one into retirement is terrible. Even though I know he couldn’t go on any more, I still regret the decision.
It’s stupid.
Darragh it’s only natural that you’re still feeling raw after all they’ve been a part of our lives twenty four hours a day, three hundred andsixty five days of the year for eight wonderful years. So it’s like losing a member of your family because we’re so attached to them and know all their little quirks, personality, likes and dislikes. When it’s my turn, I don’t know how I’m going to face it, as I hate the day and wish it would never come at all. They give us so much, and ask for nothing!