Configuring the firewall on desktops and servers side to allow DPM 2010 to push out the client.

Oct 31, 2010 | Server administration, Technology | 0 comments

Very simply, there are pages out there that will tell you what ports are required for distributing the Data Protection Manager agent but the problem is they don’t tell you what i required on the client side.

This command will open the fireall to allow the agent name. This is messy and not really what would ordinarily like to do as it doesn’t really allow for alterations to most hardware firewalls but for a normal active directory network set up it will work fine.

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”Allow DPM Remote Agent Push” dir=in action=allow service=any enable=yes profile=any remoteip=

Just replace the IP address with the one you have assigned to your DPM 2010 server.

You should probably remove this rule from your firewall after this is done.


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