I don’t want to upset anyone. This is a personal post and if you have recently lost someone it may not be something you should read.
No matter how much you read about it, how much you listen to reports about it, how many times you see it in films or on TV, no matter how many times you are bombarded with it every day, Death is not normal. In the world we live in, it’s generally not even natural. It’s forced down our throats every time we move.
You’d think this high exposure to death and tragedy would numb us to it.
Believe me, it doesn’t.
Even when it’s someone you hardly know.
Speaking to a mother who has just lost her son does not put things into perspective. It does not make you thankful for the people that you love and who love you. It does not make you think why or how.
What can it possibly make you think!
I usually have answers.
Now, I have none.
And I hardly knew the person.
I suppose I’m succeeding in being the strong one. – Granted, with a lot of effert, I’m trying to be the one everyone else can lean on. It’s the only thing I know how to do in this kind of situation. I think in my head though I’m dumbfounded. I have so much sympathy and pity for the family.
More than all that, I admire them. I admire their unity, their resiliency. Their strength. I have no idea how they are getting through this or how they’ll continue to get through it in the next few weeks.
I don’t think I could.
I wasn’t sure if I should post this.
I decided to go ahead though. I don’t know what the reason behind the post is but I needed to say it.
Just no, what ever the problem. There’s always a solution. Talk. Please!
If you cant talk to friends or family try this website.
Hey Darragh. That was a very thoughtful post.
I agree that death always comes as a shock. Even when you know it’s going to happen, when you hear those words, it’s like a truck hitting you. I lost my aunt a couple of months ago, and I felt guilty for a while because I wasn’t really upset or anything. (I hadn’t seen her in approximately four years). But if someone does consider taking their own life, I think they should seek help, or write their feelings down, so at least they aren’t bubbling away inside. It’s never any good not to talk about your feelings. (I was bullied for a short time at school. I wouldn’t tell anyone, and ended up feeling worse about it).
This is such a hard post to write, but I am glad you were able to. Who knows, it might help someone.
Take care, xxx.