I found out on Monday that IGDB have a dog that may be suitable for me.
I’m going down to Cork tomorrow for a matching visit. At this point, I have absolutely no idea what kind of dog it is, if it’s a he or she, what the dogs name is or anything else. This is standard for everyone going down for a matching visit. I suppose it’s to ensure that people don’t have any preconseptions or expectations so I completely understand their reasoning. Still, I’d like to have some kind of idea.
Of course, I’ll let you know how I get on. I’m sure Emma will have a picture or two to post up here.
I’m nervous. Mainly because any dog that I get is going to have some very large shoes to fill and although I understand I’ll have to start it of easy, it’s going to have a lot of work and a lot of responsibility if or when it’s fully trained.
Good luck and I hope it all goes well.
Can I guess what its going to be?
Definitely a male, maybe a shepherd x retriever called… I have no idea!
Go on. Start bets on the type / sex of the dog.
That could be interesting.
OK I change my mind. Either a chihuahua, an Irish wolfhound or a black Lab retriever called OJ!
What bout a husky to pull you through the cold weather. Mush!
What bout a husky to pull you through the cold weather. Mush!
What about a nice little golden retriever/lab? Wait, she’s taken lol.
Good luck. Oh and is Saturday not a weird time to have a matching visit? Xxx.