It’s weird. I’m not really sure why I thought of it. I was walking to the train station yesterday afternoon when I remembered. I thought it might be of interest to some and I’d love to hear if any of you out there have had similar experiences.
When I was younger I loved gaming. Obviously, I can’t play most console or computer games but I still loved them.
Mortal combat, Soldier of fortune, Medal of honour, Quake, and especially older games for the Sega megadrive like Road rage, Something that I only remember as rise from your grave and Decapatack.
I didn’t play them but my cousin did. I could sit there for hours while he played. He had such a fantastic way of describing what he was doing, what the game was doing to try to beat him, what obstacles were on this level, the tools that he was being given, the maps that he was using to find his way, the challenges posed by specific monsters etc. What was even better is he was able to do it while playing without even thinking about it. I sat there while he completed Doom and Wolfinstine on the 486; I was there when he got to the last level and suffered the anticlimax of completing his first Sega game. I was there when he was playing Quake and the maps were so confusing he was going round and round in circles. I heard about the rocket launcher, the bazooka, the shot gun and when things were really hard the single knife that he had to use to try to use to win back a decent gun. Yes, we were both into very violent games. I admit it. Ha.
I’d love it if people could get that level of feedback from someone like I had the benefit of having when I was younger. I was very lucky!
So what about you? Any memories come to mind? Leave a comment. It doesn’t have to be similar to this one… Just something you wouldn’t ordinarily consider every day.