I had started to write one of those yearly review post things on Friday afternoon but the preparation for the New Year’s party took over and that was the end of that! Let’s just summarise though.
- January: Pay cut. – Bad.
- April, Promotion. – Really good.
- June: Retired my guide dog Freddie. – Bad.
- August: More pay nonsense. – Bad.
- August: Two week holiday in Spain – very good.
- September: Restructuring in the company. – Not too bad.
- September: Got more work done in the house- Good.
- October, November and December A Blur. Not a good one either.
Overall, 2010 didn’t do me any favours but it could have gone a lot worse. The highlights were starting with the promotion and travelling around Galway in June playing music.
The year certainly ended as it began. With us hosting a new year’s party in the house. This year we had a very different group of friends over. The Craic and Music didn’t end until 9AM the next day! Last year things wound down at around 3AM which is kind of strange considering there were probably less people this year. We’ve decided to have a few parties throughout the year. It’s a lot more fun than going out! It’s a damn sight cheaper too.
This month is usually the most depressing time of the year for most people. Well, so they tell us on the news anyway. It’s kind of funny. I’ve heard that rubbish for the past few years but I always enjoy January. I’ve had a few days off during Christmas and I’ve plans for the next twelve months. Not New Year’s resolutions, I think they’re a lot of crap, but opportunities that I plan to grab. This morning I listened to Emma complain that it was too cold and too dark and she wanted more time off. I don’t understand it. We’re a nation of moaners. So, tell me. What are you looking forward to in 2011?
I’m looking forward to a few things:
- Obviously getting Ike, my new guide dog at the end of this month,
- Travelling around to Galway, Carlow and Cork in June for some music,
- Going to the Willy Clancy festival in July in Co. Claire,
- Flying off to the Cambridge folk festival at the start of August,
- and continuing to play with all the new technology that will make its way into the world this year.
The possibilities are endless. 2011 will definitely have its low points. In fact, I can see one looming already but I refuse to be negative or pessimistic.
things I look foreward to in this new year include.
1. training and getting fit.
2. playing my jazz piano or keyboard out somewhere.
3. more uni research work connected to various machines and inputting data, meeting people, etc.
4. new tech like you darragh.
5. fixing my speaker system which has some issues.
6. fixing the main system which decided to explode literally.
Things I am not looking foreward.
1. uni work, the work is good but the actual content sucks loads still I like it mostly.
2. the work involved in doing piano, training, etc.
3. the extreme weather, hot, cold, wet, etc.
4. the possibility of viruses, security issues, exploding pcs, network, and line issues and other things of that nature.
5. on that note the probably failing power socket on the dlink g604t router, damn it to heck!
I’m looking forward to:
Watching my house being renovated and built, buying furniture and stuff and eventually moving in.
Going to gigs. Not sure which ones yet but there’s always gigs every year. If I didn’t have live music I’d go mad!
h Jen, Renovating a house is fantastic fun. Just look for my posts three years ago. Seriously, it’s a great learning experience. Have fun with it and if you need any tips or suggestions on any part of the process give me a shout.
Shaun, Your a man after my own heart. hahahaha. ‘m listening to my desktop at the moment and I’ve been warning my self for the past few weeks that it’s sounding less than healthy. I think there’s going to be a fault somewhere shortly.