Installing RSAT in Windows 7 is actually very easy. Download the Remote Server Administration Tools from the Microsoft website and run the executable. When it installs it will provide you with a help file. This contains all the information you need to enable the new functionality. For handyness, follow these instructions.
- Go to the start menu.
- Type Programs and features.
- Click on Turn Windows features on or off.
- Go down to Remote Server Administration Tools and expand it.
- The hidden trick here is that if you check the box on the top level it will not automatically be checked on sub elements or child objects. What ever you want to call it. For this reason, You need to actually expand everything under the Remote Server Administration Tools item and check the indevidual components you want to install.
- Click the OK button when your done.
- Now, start the mmc. Go to the start menu and type mmc
- Of course, press enter on that or click it.
- Press Control and M or click the File menu then Add snap in.
- Click Active directory users and computers then click Add
- Now click the OK button.
- You can of course launch this directly from the start menu by typing Active directory users and computers in the search field. But where’s the fun in that?
This will allow you to administer both windows 2003 and Windows 2008 domains.
There’s a lot more functionality in this than just active directory users and computers but it was a good starting point. Look through the newly created administrative tools option in the start menu to find out what else is available to you.