Emma bought this whistle for me for christmas. I know. It was very good of her wasn’t it?
Unfortunately the one she received in the post was defective. Fair play to Phill, the maker of these fantastic Chiefton whistles though. HE fixed the problem and now it’s sounding very well. The issue that it had was the high F went very sharp when I used a grace note or a role. I hadn’t experienced this issue on any of his other whistles so I knew it was just a single defect. Have a listen to A jig on this lovely B flat whistle. It’s not great. It’s just something I recorded without doing any messing. It should give you an idea of the lovely tone from this.
Lovely! What did Ike make of it? My husband plays ukelel and guitar. Ukelele groups are taking off everywhere.
I introduced Ike to this kind of music almost as soon as I started training with him. Right from the beginning he hasn’t really been bothered by it. I’d go as far to say he’s ignored me… The pipes are much louder than the whistle so this hardly ranks for him at all. 🙂 Thanks for your comment as always.
He appears to give a new instrument about 60 seconds of curiosity then could care less. When he heard fiddle or guitar for first time was the same. It’s like oh what is that. Listen listen. Oh it’s not very interesting I’m going back to sleep!