I’m sitting here in the lavish surroundings of house in Carlow. I’m down here in a friends house for a few nights. We played at a wedding in Tiparary today.
There are a few reasons why I had to write this post. I didn’t want to forget because the message that I have for you is very important.
It is as follows:
Never. I repeat Never try to write a twitter status update after a few pints in a noisy pub with prodictive text turned on. The message that is actually sent might be very different to the one you intended to send. Words can get completely changed around and you’ll just end up looking like a very drunk idiot. Never mind the fact that I probably was a drunk idiot. that’s beside the point.
Yeah what the hell? How drunk were you?
How sad am I, that I’m sitting in on my own on a Saturday night, replying to a post about you being drunk, a minute after you post it.
Enjoy your night 🙂
Then you should get your self down here!