I was entertaining my niece yesterday so took her to Newbridge house in Co. Dublin. I had to bring Ike for a free run so it was a great way of doing both at the same time. There are plenty of things for her to do and Ike had plenty of space to run around. Because we were up near Freddie I sent a quick message to his family to let them know that I’d be near in case they wanted to meet up. There’s an outstanding football chalange that needed to be settled! 🙂
No. Don’t worry. I wasn’t playing. They tried talking me into it but there is that minor annoyance of never knowing where the ball is to contend with. 🙂
Anyway, it was a very enjoyable afternoon. So much so that I thought you deserved a few pictures from it. It also gives me the oppertunity to show off my fancy new gallery. What do you think?
[nggallery id=1]
It really made my weekend to see Freddie doing so well. He’s really enjoying retirement! Although, if I was living in such a nice place and I didn’t have to go to work every day I think I’d enjoy retirement too!
How wonderful to see the two blondes of your life sitting happily together!