I’ve decided that it might be interesting to some readers if I do a top ten of iPhone apps. It’s nothing new. I’m sure plenty of sites out there do this kind of thing, but here’s my top apps.
I’ll write about one app a day for the next while.
In no particular order, let me introduce Irish Taxi. This is an app I only found recently but I think it’s brilliant! It is a location based app that shows you a list of near by taxi companies. When you’ve found a company you think is suitable, just tab it to see more information. There’s even a call and a save button so you can add the details to your contacts or call the company right away. IF it’s a company you’ll use regularly, you can also add it to the favorites page in the app.
The deels tab shows companies that have promotions or special offers. For example, in Dublin, I see that there are two companies that are providing money off.
Finally, the app provides details on customer responsibilities, rights and complaints procedures.
I think this is a must have for anyone who travels a lot.
Best of all, it’s free!