Welcome to day four of the ten iPhone apps in ten days series. Today, I’ll look at a social network app that I use primarily for Facebook but that also works with Twitter, Google plus, YouTube and loads of other social networking sites.
iSocialize is a very simple app. It’s basically a connecter to other social networking sites. The nice thing about it is that it remembers credentials so you don’t need to enter them every time you want to look at something. iSocialize follows ideas by companies such as AOL with their instant messenger and Microsoft with windows live. The app tries to bring all your social networks into one place. This is very nice for some users. The one consistent interface makes it quick and easy to learn.
As Facebook users that require Voiceover for accessibility are aware, the Facebook app is less than usable and there are no signs that it will ever improve. iSocialize free is far from perfect however it’s a major step forward in comparison. iSocialize allows you to look at your feed, like and comment on entries posted by your friends and update your own status.
It would seem that iSocialize simply loads certain parts of the Facebook, YouTube, Google plus and Twitter mobile web pages however it seems to also strip away some clutter.
For users that are not concerned with Voiceover accessibility, iSocialize is still beneficial. Because it connects a number of social networks in one app it’s a very efficient and easy to user interface.
As indicated by the name, iSocialize free does not need to be purchased to avail of this functionality.