I’m not asking for much am I?
All I want is the perfect keyboard with the following features.
- It should come in three parts. The left part should have the left side of the home keys, the right should have the letters starting with h and the right side of the keyboard should have the page up, down, arrows and numpad etc. This would mean that I can spread out the keyboard or put it together during the day. I find it very tiring to just leave my arms and hands in the one position for 8 hours from Monday to Friday. I’d love to have the ability to have some variety.
- It should have laptop keys. These should be very responsive. In fact, anyone who has used the Pacmate will probably agree that the keyboard on that device was the nicest keyboard ever made. I want keys that are firm, very fast with a definitive click when their pressed. The keys should be removable for cleaning and they should be made of a very tuff plastic.
- There should be a space between the keys similar to that on the Apple keyboards.
- The keyboard should be very flat.
- It should be possible to tilt the three separate parts of the keyboard so that they slope to the left, right forward or back. Again, I would like to be able to move my wrist to different angle after a few hours of typing. It would reduce stress and strain on my hands when typing for such a long time every day.
- The keyboard should have ten programmable buttons. Four on the left 4 across the top and two small buttons between the space between the arrows and the six function buttons for page up, down, end, home, delete and insert.
- There should be no LED for functions. Instead, the button should be touch sensitive and should vibrate if that function is enabled. For example, if the caps lock was enabled and the caps lock button was touched it should vibrate quickly to indicate this. Same with the numlock and scrole lock.
- The keyboard should be connected via USB.
Would I be pushing it if I also wanted it to have the ability to control up to three computers at once?
Now, let me explain why I am so fussy.
I type for hours upon hours every day of the week. My fingers rarely even get a break on Saturdays or Sundays. I’m fortunate that I don’t experience any issues due to repetitive strain but I’m always very mindful of it and I try to ensure that I change the position of my hands frequently while typing. Even if it’s just a case of elevating my seat so that my arms in a different position I’ll try a number of things during the day to reduce the strain on my wrists and fingers.
I’m currently using a Microsoft comfort keyboard. It’s lovely to type on but the keys aren’t responsive enough so when I’m typing very fast the shift key isn’t depressed quickly enough so instead of getting one capital letter in a sentence I get two. I don’t experience this problem on laptop keyboards. I’d have no problem saying it was bad typing if this is the case and believe me, like everyone else, I have my bad days but I know that I could be more accurate if I had a keyboard where the keys would respond fast enough.
I don’t ask for much do I?
I could stretch to a numpad with a wedge of wood for you!