Continuing with my ten apps in ten days posts today I’m going to look at a cool little app called TaskList. As they say, this does exactly what it says on the tin. It doesn’t sync with any services, it’s not flashy, it’s purely functional but it’s very useful.
This functionality will largely become redundant with the reminders app that comes with IOS5 however for voice over users I think the Tasklist app will still be quite useful as it’s very clean and provides fields and descriptions that are quite standard compared to Outlook and windows mail etc.
I like it because although I like to think I have a great memory; it’s inevitable that throughout the course of a meeting I’ll forget a crucial thing that I need to do as a result of a discussion or a point someone raises. The iPhone is fantastic and it really puts as much information as you can Handel at your finger tips however when in a fast paced work environment it’s often more important to enter and retrieve information quickly than to have dozens of apps with an overwhelming array of functionality. I could put items into the calendar but Tasklist is a lot more efficient. What I really find helpful though is that when glancing at or reading with voiceover the task list item on the home screen it shows the number of outstanding tasks for that date and can even present a notification to inform you of a due task. It’s basically an outlook style reminders / tasks function for the iPhone.