I’d firstly like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a successful, fun filled and stressless new year. Please visit DigitalDarragh.com regularly in 2012. Great things will be happening. Starting today, this site will feature a video blog otherwise known as a vlog. This vlog will have videos taken during gigs, family events, technical exhibitions and the odd every day event as well. It’s going to be interesting, entertaining and very different. I really hope you like it!
The first vlog was recorded during St. Stephen’s day while at my parents house. It’s an annual event where the family get to meet up and the kids go wild. It’s always great fun and I hope this video gives you a sense of this.
I’m sorry to my blind readers, This particular video isn’t all that entertaining because a lot of it is visual however I aim to rectify this shortly when I figure out how to get audio description on youtube.
This is the first video I’ve ever done so any suggestions and feedback will be very appreciated.
If your using an iPhone this link may be of more use than the embedded video below. Although, with the new video system, you probably don’t need the alternative. If something doesn’t work please let me know.