In films etc people talk about the luck of the Irish. Up until now I’ve dismissed this as being a lode of nonsense. That is until I actually thought about it this morning. What is luck anyway? I’ll tell you what luck is. In Ireland, the definition of luck is leaving your rain jacket in work because it’s lovely outside only to find that four hours later the rain poors from the sky before you have the chance to get home. Some how, you manage to get home then back to work the next morning without getting wet. See? This is the definition of luck. Surviving the Irish summer without getting any more wet than you would at any other time of the year.
It’s getting a little tiring though. I leave the house before 7AM and the weather is horrible. At 5PM when leaving work the weather is either all right or lovely. Commuting in Ireland means you need to dress for every season in the one day.
I completely agree.
You could get sick of trying to guess the weather for the two commute times a day
you end up in sandles and it pours and boots and the sun splits the stones