I was inspired by Grannymar’s comment and so today I have hijacked Darragh’s blog. It’s about time that you all got to hear things from my side.
Well firstly, I think I need to defend myself! Darragh keeps posting about things I say prior to 7am in the morning! 7am – what level of English does he want? By that stage I’ve gotten up and ready for work and am at the bus station. That in itself is impressive! My poor brain is usually still fighting for more sleep!
So payback time! Hmmmmmm where to start.
I think I will start with Saturday. Well we were out on the road early to bring the tandem to the bike shop before doing wedding stuff in Dundalk. Well seemingly I was not breaking enough! Me? I think it was the early hour. Just because the back wheel of the bike (that Mr. Digital is nearest to) was skidding back and forth across the road! Its not like it was the front one!
Well skip forward a few hours and we are on the bike (with new skid free tyres and lovely clothes that in fairness he did purchase for me) on a long cycle (long for me anyway, this whole biking thing is pretty new to me) Cycle went great. We had a great time. Lovely views out by Baltray. (Note to self bring a camera) Well right until the last hill to the house (downside of Drogheda being built around a river valley). We hadn’t even gotten the bike into the garage and he wanted to cycle to Tescos. Over 18km we were just after completing! Let’s just say that was one I won (there are benefits to being the steerer!)
Sunday we decided to go on another cycle. Now I wanted to go a different way and Mr. Digital told me he wanted this one to be over 20km (don’t listen to him if he denies it I don’t think he even listens to himself sometimes!) so out comes the trusty iPad and the Google maps and I punch in the first faraway but still nearish place I can think of into it and decide on a route. I keep telling him that it’s not like the gym – wherever we cycle to my legs still have to be able to cycle back from!
Off we set out the coast road to Bettystown. We stopped for an oblatory ice-cream in Bettystown (more for me than him) and were on our way back a different route (much easier to cycle a circular route on a tandem than turn the thing!)
So I couldn’t remember if we had another turn coming up and we had to stop. Now people please agree with me that this is wrong. He used his shoe to break. His SHOE! And the noise nearly gave me a heart attack. Two passersby thought it was hilarious but then when we were passing them next he shouted to them about the abuse I give him! Well I never, just cause I was concerned about his shoe!
So we pedal along pretty fast (we are getting better at the togetherness of the pedalling) and a bug hits me…hard in the arm… a major downfall of being the one in front let me tell you! Mr. Digital thinks it’s so funny if I get a bug in my mouth (shudders) So a minute or two later we are flying passed 2 people out for a stroll and he roars at them to watch out for the kamikaze bugs! Really like where am I supposed to hide on the front of a bike!
I won’t even go into the fact he thinks its ok to pretend (well I hope its pretend anyway) to have a little nap on my back during a cycle!
Today he thinks we might be doing a 90km cycle in a months time. In 3-4 hours. I’m not sure what planet he’s on but I think I will need new legs with some Li-ion battery backs! Anyone any good spares out there? Preferably in a thin, toned and nicely tanned model… we do have a wedding coming up you know!
On a non-cycling note am I the only one that gets this when I ask a simple a or b question? Yes. Would you like a Bulmers or a glass of wine… Yes. Yes! grrrrrrrr. To be fair Mr. Digital sometimes says no, but it’s not exactly any more helpful in getting a good answer!
I better not say any more. I still want there to be a wedding!
Oh no. I better go. I can hear him coming! Here’s hoping he doesn’t see this for a while!
Emma your secret is safe with me, I’ll not say a word. 😉 You keep steering that tandem on a straight course to wedded bliss!