You know, commuting to work isn’t all that bad when you get used to it and you prepare well in advance. Take this morning for example. My self, Emma and the dog left the house, and walked the short journey to the bus station. We stopped in the station for a chat with a young woman who takes the same bus almost every morning. After a few minutes the bus came and the driver pulled right up beside me. Pat is his name. He said hello to us and let myself and Nama on first followed by Emma. He has been letting me on first since I got Nama so as we have a good choice of seats. The great thing is though that he is keeping people back until the dog is in and settled. No one complains either which is fantastic. I suppose they all know me well enough at this stage so they recognise that Nama is a new dogs so their all giving him some time to settle in.
When the bus pulled off I took out my lovely Bose ear phones and continued listening to the latest book that I’ve downloaded. I’m up to book 25 of Terry Pratchets Disk world now. After another moment of giving the dog a quick ear scratch to tell him that he was doing really well I opened another compartment of my bag to take out a nice warm coffee using ground beans that I got from a shop called the Runner Bean, the best coffee shop in Dublin located on Nassau Street last week. So, I sat there, completely relaxed. I had some breakfast, a coffee, listening to a book with my dog at my feet and Emma on my right and I thought. What’s wrong with commuting?
I got off the bus in Dublin, walked for a bit with Emma then proceeded to work.
When I got to the office Nama decided to pounce on the carpet a few times and roll around for a bit. It’s beginning to be a ritual with him every morning. After a bit of praise and some time to settle him down I started work.
Commuting isn’t bad! It gives me time to think. Time to relax and time to do nothing.
And I get up to an extra hours sleep. Win win
Trust you to talk about sleep. 🙂
Actually, it’s funny. You sleep in the morning and I sleep on the way home. You’d almost think it was planned. The thing is, because I actually work, I am tired at the end of the day. 🙂
Now, leave Emma alone. That comment was not nice. I have to say I would be slow to go back to the commuting again. I admire the way you seem to be very alive in the mornings and you can switch on a book at that hour. I would be like Emma and thinking of sleep. I bet if you didn’t have to do it any longer your feelings on it might change.
OH don’t worry Nicky, it was a follow on from me teasing her by Email earlier. 🙂 She knows not to take me too seriously.
Your right though. Although commuting isn’t all that bad, if I could stop I’d do it in an instant.
I’d be thinking of sleep too. I’m not really a fan of the audio books to be honest. I find i can’t get into them so prefer braille. But i’d just want to chill on the bus!
Glad you and Nama are settling in well to work. About your last post maybe he is getting bored? I know with Ushi if she wants to go somewhere you have to really fight with her to get her going the way you want. Xxx.