There were a few interesting questions and points made as a result of my post yesterday. Firstly, let me just remind readers that I love getting your Emails and phone calls but it would be nice if you would comment on the site instead of contacting me privately so as other readers can have the benefit of reading your questions and observations.
Firstly, Jenny asked if the C5 has wifi. NO. It doesn’t although as I’m not using this phone for any data usage this actually makes no difference to me. I’m interested in what you might use wifi for though. Are there apps on the S60 platform that you would use?
Nicky touched on the idea of using an iPod for listening to Music and using Apps. This is a very good idea. The iPod is smaller, lighter and cheaper and if you’re not using it for phone calls or texting then there’s no need for 3G. However, the iPhone battery lasts for a very long time when not used as a normal phone and there is nothing that the iPhone can’t do that the iPod does so there’s no need to change over if you already have an iPhone. Also, because I could potentially change back to the thinking that one device is just more convenient selling the iPhone would be a mistake because a 64GB iPhone 4S is not a cheap toy at all. I’ve already done this in the past. I moved back to a Nokia phone for a while about three or four years ago but after a while I missed the power of the iPhone so I went back again. However, at that time, I wasn’t running both phones simultaneously so things may be different this time. For me, the iPhone has almost become essential. I use Facetime with sighted people when I need something looked at, I use the many social networking aps to stay in contact with people, I read the local and national news, I keep up to date with Email and I even use it for GPS occasionally. However, I have a tip for you. I have a wireless Vodafone dongle. I usually have my laptop with me when traveling to and from work and this wireless dongle has a nice place in that laptop case. When I really want Internet access on the iPhone while traveling I just turn on that wireless dongle, connect to it from the iPhone and I have the same data access as I had when using it as a phone. Really, the only down side to this is that I have a few more devices to carry around. However, this is more than made up for by the efficiency of being able to make and receive calls and write text messages quickly and comfortably. I’ve been using this method now for just over a week and so far it’s working quite nicely. However, ask me again in a month. Maybe by that time I’ll be tired of carrying an extra phone around with me.
Just one more note. I have given serious consideration to an iPad or an iPad mini however as a blind person I simply can’t understand why one of these devices would be appealing to me. The larger screen makes absolutely no difference. Why not just use an iPhone or an iPod. The iPad mini feels lovely and sexy. It’s slim, curved and light but once you get over that what’s the benefit if you can’t see the screen?
Thanks for answering that. I prefer when people leave comments on my blog too rather than through twitter. Looks like people are actually reading then haha.
Some blind people just have to have the latest Apple product, whether its the most useful or not. That goes for sighted people too of course, but you know what I mean.
I’m not wanting an Iphone for quite a while as i like my buttons far too much, and i’m under the if it isn’t broke, why fix it? I’m happy with my Nokia E65, but when it dies, i would like another one with buttons. I’ve heard though that the blackbury isn’t that great. I had my last phone the E51 for two years and i only upgraded because the keypad stopped working. I’d prob still have it now if it wasn’t for that.
So what are the buttons like on the C5?
Take care, and thanks. Xx.
Out of all the Nokia Talks phones I’ve had from the 6600,N70, E51, 6210 Navagator and now the C5, I have to say that this is the best phone I’ve had. I’ve also had non talks ones as well, an Ericson and 3310 & 3210. The buttons on this phone are lovely to use and are very prominent,. They are lovely to touch and are very easily felt. I would never consider an iPhone, it’s just not for me and I’ve dabbled with a few of them. I just prefer using a keypad and feel more comfortable and confident knowing where everything is. I feel that I text much faster with a keypad rather than fluffing around on a touch screen. I don’t want to change phones. I feel that I wouldn’t get a phone as nice as this one, or one that I’d be as happy with again. I’ve never been happier with a phone before, until I purchased my beautiful C5.
Darragh I like that idea of the none iPhone, but I think there are tasks that need the iphone. I hope to get the iPad mini so I can use the skyplus app better.