If you are in any way active online you will have come across the story of Alice Pyne. Her story got coverage about two years ago. The fifteen year old girl with cancer with a wish list. A few experiences the child wanted to have before she died from cancer. It got global coverage and thanks to this exposure almost all of her wishes were answered. At the time the doctors gave her a very short time to live but she hung on in there for two years. I remember, at the time I asked my youngest sister Céataí to read her blog because I had hoped it would put some of the trials and tribulations in her life into some kind of perspective.
I read this morning that on the 12th of January she passed away.
I just wanted to mention her life, and passing on my blog to take a moment to remember the people out there who have been killed by cancer. We all have friends and family who have lost people to this. I’ll get to the posts that you have been asking for about the wedding, the honeymoon and all that kind of thing. But before I do, take a second, put things into perspective, remember that in the scheme of things we have it bloody good. Have some pride in what you are doing and what you have done. It might sound like a line from a tacky card but it’s not all that bad. I hate it when my mother says it to me. Especially when I’m really annoyed about something but it’s true. It can always be worse. Poor Alice, a child who didn’t give up should be an example to us all.
I was saddened to read of her death too. I used to look forward to reading her blog, and used to think wow. I know on her last post she wrote about how she was having some problems, but i didn’t think it would happen so quickly. But hopefully more people will sign up to the bone marrow register because of the work she did there.
Rip Alice. Xx.