People have been telling me that I’m not blogging enough lately and that the posts I do write are too technical.
The reason for that is simple. I have done the whole personal blog thing and there’s always a danger of it becoming too revealing. I’ve been blogging now for around 5 or 6 years so the direction the blog has taken has changed a lot in that time. It’s inevitable really.
I like personal posts though. It wouldn’t even bother me if people don’t read them. I simply like writing stuff down. I like reading back over things that I’ve written years ago and remembering what I was thinking at that time.
So, to satisfy both technical and non-technical people, I’m going to begin the personal posts again.
However, they won’t be available to everyone. They will become slightly more revealing as time goes on as it’s hard for that kind of post not to become so to protect my privacy in some way shape or form, I’m going to restrict access to these posts to registered users of the site. Anyone can register and it’s very easy to do it.
This gives me some idea as to who has been reading so I don’t need to be as careful about what I write.
I will let you know when this change to the blog has been made. If you are not a registered user of the website, then the blog will continue to look as it did before. You just won’t see the posts that are marked private.
I blog because I like writing as well and being able to read back over things. I don’t know if people actually care about half the stuff I write! I like reading personal posts more but that’s just because I hate technology so don’t understand a lot of the other posts, but you explain techy things very well so I’m sure they are helpful to people who need information or help about something techy.
Keep writing anyway 🙂