Well that was a productive evening. I didn’t have a great amount of time – but it was very productive.
thanks in major part due to the Howtoforge automation script that set up the webserver and database for me in a matter of minutes.
There’s a bit more to do in relation to that. I need to investigate how secure the automation from Howtoforge makes the environment that it creates.
But after the server was configured, I moved on to the streamer. On that server, I installed docker then installed Azuracast. This is going to replace Icecast. I’ve been using Icecast for fifteen years. But I played around with Azuracast back in 2023 in a test environment and really liked it. So time to take the plunge.
Back over to the web server, I created the sites, configured Acmi for Letsencrypt and I set up FTP to allow me to quickly drop files over to a few sites that don’t use a nice CMS.
I also did some normal work like sync with a local NTP source in Ireland. Just the normal stuff that is needed on Linux servers.
I hardly touched the Windows server. Tonight I have very little time but I’ll at least try to get the installation of SQL server done.
As expected. This post isn’t very long. I got a lot more done yesterday than I expected but jobs like creating the website virtual hosts is a repedative task. There’s not a lot too it.